This one’s from the Holy Crap files! Check out this very bright (still had sea lice!) and oh so giant king salmon from the Kenai River! The fish was taken June 30th, 2004 by a client of guide Greg Brush of EZ Limit Guide Service in Soldotna.
Take a really, really close look at that fish…the wrist of the tail is as big as your thigh and you could fit your head inside its mouth! And then there’s the adipose fin that’s the size of a salad plate…
Although not a world record…not even close, if you can believe that…Greg (right) says the fish was in the mid 80’s (duh!) and is his personal best during his tenure as a guide on the Kenai.
The best part of the whole deal is the client released the fish! Super manly man stud props for that!
Though the Kenai’s slowing down as a giant factory, there are still monsters lurking in its emerald depths and Les Anderson’s all-tackle world record of 97 pounds, 4 ounces is never safe here. Check out the story of the World Record King HERE
Keith Holtan says
I’m a big supporter of catch and release on the Kenai but you imply that Greg’s client took the high road and released this gorgeous fish. He had no choice. There is a slot limit on the Kenai during the months of May and June and currently all fish between 46″ and 55″ must be released (in 2004 when this fish was caught the slot limit was 44″-55″). I know I don’t speak for the majority but I would sure like to see the slot limit extended through mid July. Long live the Kings!