Klar (left) and Moore with a little New Year's Magic!
Klar, via “boat phone,” said that they hooked the beast at the top of Jed Smith Park. “It was an epic fight,” say Klar. The fish jumped several times and just tore holes in the water.” You can tell what Klar was talking about when he called the fish “flawless.”
Moore hooked the big daddy on a peach Fish Pill, some orange yarn and a small cluster of eggs. Nice work!
Jason Murphy says
Yeah Nice fish Bub…. It was a real treat to be with you and Klar to experience that rare occurance that every true Steelheader dreams of, THE BIG ONE!!!!
Dustin Rose says
Nice fish bro, Jullian said that he catches bigger fish than that in his dreams. lol
That things a monster. See ya around the hatchery.
"Smitty" says
WOW! That’s one kick butt slab of steel! Way to go Curtis! What was the name of the river? Smith was it? Killer name.
ron wagle says
That’s a lifetime fish!!! Congrats. The Smith looks to be in perfect shape from the photo. Sure wish I could be there this week. I’m also really jealous too say the least!!!
Kevin Pence says
Sweeeeeeeeeet Fish, wait a minute, isn’t this Tuesday. I guess that thing called work doesn’t apply to Curtis. Nice Job, both of you!!!!! Jealous is an understatement.
Jeremiah says
Nice! I just got back from up there. 12lbs was my best…I’m jealous!