Denied! Here’s an underwater pic shot on my [easyazon_link identifier=”B00PJ27DRC” locale=”US” tag=”fiwijd-20″]Okuma Water Wolf Camera[/easyazon_link] today of a striped bass giving my lure the equivalent of the middle finger.
He followed for about 10 feet and then decided something just didn’t look right. The interesting part of this shot is the fact that my lure has flipped upside-down…right at the same time the fish rejected it. In previous frames, he was right on the plug’s tail…and the lure was running true.
I had no idea the plug had any roll to it, even after tuning it next to the boat…and yet here it is “flying inverted.”
To see the two pics of what occurred just before the rejection, read on…Click here to read more…