Yep, that's a big one!
I‘m guessing that when nearly 50 pounds of river monster grabs you wad of feathers and glue…you know it! The fact of the matter is Marles H. Frankman of Golden Valley, MN spent a half hour dancing with this 47-pound, 8-ounce taimen (Hucho taimen) after it grabbed the Dairiki streamer she was fishing in Mongolia’s Ur River on June 7.
With the help of guide Ganpurev Enebish, Mrs. Frankman finally bested the beast and, in the process, qualifed herself for the International Game Fish Association’s 16-lb. tippet world record. She absolutely smoked the previous record, a 28 pounder caught in Mongolia’s Eg River in 2001.
The coolest part? She released the fish!