I tried to get the Northern Pike to bite my topwater mouse on camera, but they liked eating my [easyazon_link identifier=”B00R8I6W5O” locale=”US” tag=”fiwijd-20″]Waterwolf HD[/easyazon_link] video cam instead!
Underwater Salmon Bites: King chasing down a spinner
You can learn some very interesting stuff by seeing whats going on below the surface. Check out this cool sequence I shot of a king salmon chasing down my Spinner Dave’s Custom Designs spinner. Again I used the trusty [easyazon_link identifier=”B00R8I6W5O” locale=”US” tag=”fiwijd-20″]Okuma Waterwolf[/easyazon_link] Camera and rigged it in-line on my leader about 3 feet up from the lure. I trolled it downstream at about 3 mph and got some sweet footage…
He’s in hot pursuit…
Open wide…
Right in the corner of the jaw…
Notice how the line in this next shot has gone slack as the fish swims towards the boat…
Now he knows he’s hooked and the big head-shakes start…
The violent head-shakes are why the bite look so cool on the rod!
Awesome Underwater Salmon Bites!
Check out this rad footage of salmon and char chasing and biting my spinners. I recently trolled No. 7 spinners downstream with an Okuma Waterwolf camera rigged in-line and there’s definitely some cool stuff to be learned by seeing what’s going on down there!
Underwater Stripers: The Rejection!
Denied! Here’s an underwater pic shot on my [easyazon_link identifier=”B00PJ27DRC” locale=”US” tag=”fiwijd-20″]Okuma Water Wolf Camera[/easyazon_link] today of a striped bass giving my lure the equivalent of the middle finger.
He followed for about 10 feet and then decided something just didn’t look right. The interesting part of this shot is the fact that my lure has flipped upside-down…right at the same time the fish rejected it. In previous frames, he was right on the plug’s tail…and the lure was running true.
I had no idea the plug had any roll to it, even after tuning it next to the boat…and yet here it is “flying inverted.”
To see the two pics of what occurred just before the rejection, read on…Click here to read more…
Underwater Striper Bite Caught on Camera
This afternoon, I had yet another chance to play around with my [easyazon_link identifier=”B00PJ27DRC” locale=”US” tag=”fiwijd-20″]Okuma Water Wolf[/easyazon_link] underwater camera and caught a striper bite on film!
In the shot above, you can see the lure working its way downstream and then it is intercepted head on by a 5-pound striper…
In the video, it appears that the fish bites the lure head first but when you slow it down and watch it frame by frame, you can see that he actually spins on a dime in a nano-second and comes up behind the lure…
The speed at which the fish spins on the bait and inhales it is amazing…
At this point he’s hooked…
And then turns downstream. Notice how the back hook is still hanging free…
The fish seemed to instinctively know to get in the fast water and actually burned some drag. Part of the camera is now in view too…
During the fight, another striper came over to see what was happening…
Is this stuff as fascinating to you as it is me? Man, I just find the underwater view so dang cool! There’s a lot to learn by looking at videos and stills…and you can rest assured you’ll see a lot more of this stuff here soon!