Have you heard about the kookey new Bill that would basically declares war on California striped bass?
Introduced by Assemblywoman Jean Fuller, R-Bakersfield last Friday, AB 1553 would lift fishing restrictions on striped bass, which are non-native to California. The rationale is stripers are invasive, apex predators that devour endangered fish such as Delta smelt, winter-run Chinook salmon and the soon to be listed longfin smelt.
By allowing for anarchy-style fishing (no size or bag limits), striper populations could be severely effected by over-harvest, resulting in yet another opportunity lost for the state’s anglers. In addition, the bill would cancel any revenue raised by the Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp that was slated for striped bass recovery.
“This bill is just trying to strike a balance,” Fuller said. “The state’s water system is failing and we are taking all these steps to alleviate the impact on endangered fish, which has a major effect on people up and down the state that don’t have enough water.”
California native fish expert, noted biologist Dr. Peter Moyle from U.C. Davis says this about it:
“There is no hard evidence that striped bass specifically have caused any fish declines or even suppressed fish populations in the Delta, although it is certainly possible under the right circumstances.” Read his entire response at Alex Breitler’s blog in the Stockton Record.
And there’s the rub. It’s all about the water. She’s throwing stripers under the bus when the real problem with the Delta system is a lack of water. If you need any more proof of that, just look at who’s backing the bill — the Modesto Irrigation District and the Kern County Water Agency. Kinda says it all doesn’t it?

Even tiny shakers like this will be fair game if AB 1253 passes...
There’s no denying that striped bass eat untold thousands of salmon and smelt. But so too do largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, black and white crappie, channel catfish and a whole host of other non-native species. Are we going to try to get rid of them all, too?
Plus, before we started exporting record amounts of water out of the Delta in recent years, you never heard much talk about the so-called “striper problem.” Stripers (and all those other invasive species I just mentioned) have co-existed with salmon and smelt for 150 years. The massive, record-high water diversions have come about only over the past few years. Is it a coincidence that so many fisheries are suddenly in dire straits? I think not…
We aren’t addressing the issues here, people, and by doing that we will see the decline of all our fisheries.
Hope those suckerfish can hang on…they soon may be all we have left!
Douglas Smith says
The Seals are a bigger problem than the Stripper.
Andrew says
I agree completely. All of these great fisheries thrived together prior to the massive (now over 50%!!) water diversions from the Sacramento / San Juaquin water systems. If stripers are causing the problem, why is that fishery dwindling as well? The “invasive species” argument, in this case, is a complete farce.
Steve Adams says
Ya, I heard about this a couple weeks ago… In my terminal optimism I hope it goes nowhere! Absolutely insane!
“the Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp that was slated for striped bass recovery.”
Now they want to lift the regulations? Freakin idiots!
I moved up here from SoCal (San Diego) and I’m here to stay. This is my home now and I have a solution.
First of all, I’m convinced that the politicians have forgotten, SoCal is a desert! I know! Those rumors of 75 & Sunny year around? Bull! Maybe at the beaches! Get 10 or so miles inland and it’s more like 80’s+. I have pictures of my kids playing in the sprinklers and pool from Jan. last year (85+). Think high 80’s-100 for a good 6-8 months! It’s a desert!!!
Here’s my solution: BUILD A DESALINIZATION PLANT! They have done it successfully in Tampa! “25-million-gallon per day (mgd) rated production capacity makes it the largest seawater desalination plant in North America.” Take a look at what they have done in the Middle East, Dubai (UAE), & North Africa!
How about Co-Generation?! – “Cogeneration is the process of using excess heat from power production to accomplish another task. In the sense of desalination, cogeneration is the production of potable water from seawater or brackish groundwater in an integrated, or “dual-purpose”, facility in which a power plant is used as the source of energy for the desalination process. The facility’s energy production may be dedicated entirely to the production of potable water (a stand-alone facility), or excess energy may be produced and incorporated into the energy grid (a true cogeneration facility).
All the $$ spent on all of the other so-called solutions, (pumping stations, legislation, etc) would have paid for one by now. In addition, (I don’t wish this on anyone) they could get the $$ back by taxing those who use the water!
There are several other solutions. The politicians just need to pull their heads out and seek them out.
End of rant.