Okay it’s spring and that means many West Coast rivers are getting invaded, at this very minute, by big waves of jumbo-sized, fresh from the sea mutant herring…American Shad.
If you’ve never caught these scrappy bad boys, you owe it to yourself to give it a try this year! You won’t find too many 1- to 6-pound fish that fight any better. Here’s a super basic look at how to get in on the fun…
One of the true beauties of shad fishing is the simplicity. Grab a light-action spinning rod (I like 7 footers) and a reel with a smooth drag system and load it up with 4-pound mono. All you really need for shad fishing in the terminal gear department is a few different sizes of shot, some 1/32-ounce jig heads and a few colors of 1- to 2-inch grubs. Keep it simple!
Take a look at my personal shad box and you’ll get the idea…

Keep ‘er simple…don’t over-think shad too much!
My all-around favorite shad rig…

Just add enough splitshot to get near the bottom and you’re good to go.
From an anchored boat or the bank, the down-and-across swing is the best method:
As your lure drifts, give the rod tip an occasional “pop” just to give the bait a little extra action.
Where to look
Shad aren’t big fans of whitewater, so try fishing below any sort of barrier in the river — dams, rapids and falls. They also really like nice slow flats that are 6-12 feet deep.

Fish here!
Generally, shad fishing is best early and late in the day, but you can also whack ’em pretty good in the afternoon too. For the most action, hit the river in the late afternoon and fish right until dark.
james says
what lb test line do you use when you shad fish
james says
thank you answer my question i hope i catch shad this year
james says
what is your biggest shad you have caught and how much did it weight
JD says
I’ve caught a couple that were in the 6-pound class.
Justin Martell says
Hey JD have you seen any Shad around yet?
steve says
cane anyone suggest the drag setting using a 7 foot spinning rod 2500 reel with
6 lb test line fast moving water thanks
sean says
to set drag, stand by the rod tip and pull on the line. the drag should release when the angle between line and rod tip is about 45 degrees.
Justin Martell says
Hey JD are there still Shad around or is it time to wrap it up? Read your Shad tips and gave it a go about two weeks ago on the American for the first time. Caught two and it was an awesome experience, thanks for your help. The site is great. Just a rookie wondering where I might be able to get that thrill again. Thanks again for the help.
JD says
Sweet! Glad you caught a few. No, there are still plenty of shad in the Sac, American and Yuba, but the bite’s still kinda off due to cooler water temps…
art torres says
hey me again,is there any typwe of steelies still in the russian near the bride area?
JD says
Yea, there are a few “blueback” steelies still around this time of year…2-4 pounders and super chrome.
art torres says
hi, how big do shad get an i tried fishing 100 yards north of the pg-e hole near the train bridge in healdsburg. do they like fast moving water or slow? will they bite worms? thanks alot
JD says
Hi Art, shad like slow-moving flats that are 6-12 feet deep. No, they aren’t much into worms but love 1/32-OZ pink and chartreuse grubs.
Dave Straube says
Im new to running a drift boat this year and im looking for a drift on the russian to get going on fish would be a plus shad or bass but more than anything I want to get some practice for next years steelhead season ive taken my boat out to the napa river and paddled it around but theres not much current there any help would be very appreciated thanks allot
JD says
Dave, try Memorial Beach down to Steelhead Beach…that’s the main run you’ll want to do come steelie season.
victor says
Can I get to the russian river dry creek mouth from the memorial beach side
by foot? Or is a boat a must coming upstream? I live near by & would like to get
to that spot. thanks in advance…Good JOB on the website.
JD says
Victor, I am not so sure about getting to Dry Creek from the side you are talking about. But you can park on the creek side of the river and walk right to the mouth…and you can get there by boat but you have to float DOWN to it from Memorial.
Clint says
I saw some people catching shad today near Clarksburg in boats.
JD, just wondering if the shad are in the Sac yet around Discovery Park or the mouth of the American. I want to take my Grandson on his first fishing trip and want to keep him busy. Thanks for the help,
greg says
awesome lil tutoril JD , opens my eyes to a whole lot … ran into your bud riles/reilly on the AR last night … awesome dude , he chews alot like me too !!! lol
JD says
Nick, the water came up big-time and it’s gonna take a few days to figure out where the fish are. Verona and Shanghai Falls had been good, but that’s all changed now…
Nick says
Just wondering if the shad are hitting on the feather river right now. I heard from someone that the water levels are high because of the rain and that would interfere with the fishing.