The new record blue cat: If that doesn't stop ya from wanting to go noodlin', I don't know what will! (Photo:IGFA)
Though it looks like something from a B horror flick that crawls out of the sewer to eat unsuspecting college co-eds, this repulsive beast is actually a pending IGFA All Tackle World Record blue catfish.
Greg Bernal of Florissant, MO nabbed this 130-pound giant blue cat (think about that one for a minute…130 pounds of catfish) while fishing on the Missouri River, out of North County, MO with an Asian carp for bait. The battle lasted 20 minutes and the fish bested the previous world record for the species by 6 pounds. The old mark for blue cats was a 124 pounder caught five years ago by Timothy Pruitt from the Mississippi River near Alton, Ill.
Guess it’s catfish dinner tonight, honey!
For more world record info, check out IGFA.org
eric says
Why would you want to skin a hawg like that out? Its gonna taste like crap and now its not reproducing. This is strictly my opinion and I feel that its a selfish act for one that dont CPR especially for those that have kids. Its not about us its about the kids let them expeirence the same. Theres difference between fishing and a guided hunts. The guide spends top dollar on management to get the right deer together to produce trophys. The Rivers our managed poor and the funds arent there. People who love cattin need to come together as the sport continues to grow rapidly. Could it have been capable over the next 10 or so years to break the 200lb mark?????????? Please practice CPR catch photograph release over 10lbs
JD says
Yes, I agree Eric…let the big mamas go!
Joe says
Try skinning that Catfish with a pair of pliers !!!
Justin W. says
Good god that is ugly! One of these days I’ll have to find a good cat spot near Sacramento.
Hammy3 says
Asian carp for bait…that is awesome!
JD says
Good use for em!