Fishing in Rivers Inlet, BC, angler Gayle Gordon landed a Chinook that may have smashed the World Record…
Virginia lake kicks out 143-lb. pending All Tackle World Record Blue Catfish

Good news! It's now safe to get back in the water at Kerr Lake!
Small children, dogs and waterfowl can all breathe a collective sigh of relief at Lake Kerr in Virginia now that Jaws has been apprehended!
Just a hair short of a year after Greg Bernal made history with a 130-pound IGFA All-Tackle World Record blue catfish that he pulled from the Missouri River, Richard Nicholas Anderson of Greenville, North Carolina, landed this beast of a blue from Kerr Lake, Virginia. The massive cat weighed in at 143 pounds and qualifies for both the new potential All-Tackle World Record and the men’s 30-lb. line class record.
The big cat sucked in chicken livers (what, not a whole chicken??) and took 45 minutes to land.
Potential IGFA record Speckled Peacock Bass
Rafael F. Llamozas (left) of Salt Lake City hooked this jumbo speckled peacock bass in Columbia on a jig. The fish measured just a hair under 35 inches and qualifies him for a new potential IGFA All-Tackle Length record. The fish was released after the photo…
Giant 264-lb. Convict Grouper smashes current IGFA World Record!

What happens when you cross a rockfish with a Mini Cooper...
There are two very impressive statistics relating to this enormous Convict Grouper taken by Koji Yoshida on a live amberstripe scad off Okinawa, Japan. First off, the leviathan weighed in at 264 pounds, 8 ounces, which is a whopping 126 pounds heavier that the current IGFA All-Tackle World Record for the species!!
Perhaps even more eye-popping is the the fact that Yoshida whipped the fish in a lightning-quick 8 minutes! Dude’s got some skills…especially when you look at the gear he was using. Pretty light stuff, all things considered!
Barring any issues with the paperwork, this fish should be soon recognized as the largest Convict Grouper ever taken on rod and reel.
260-lb. world record catfish duped by kernel of corn!

The happy angler (left) & some pals with catzilla
So, just what did Welsh angler Martin David Kent catch this newly-approved IGFA All-Tackle World Record, 260-pound Mekong catfish on in Thailand? A 10-pound live minnow? Live goat? A Thanksgiving turkey? A small child? Nah…how about just a single kernel of sweet corn!
Crazy, huh?
The 7 footer fought for 55 minutes and was released back into the lake on Gillham’s Fishing Resort. Apparently, mekongs to over 600 pounds have been caught in nets, so there just may be another record out there. Rumor has it that you should try soaking two pieces of corn for the really big ones…