The happy angler (left) & some pals with catzilla
So, just what did Welsh angler Martin David Kent catch this newly-approved IGFA All-Tackle World Record, 260-pound Mekong catfish on in Thailand? A 10-pound live minnow? Live goat? A Thanksgiving turkey? A small child? Nah…how about just a single kernel of sweet corn!
Crazy, huh?
The 7 footer fought for 55 minutes and was released back into the lake on Gillham’s Fishing Resort. Apparently, mekongs to over 600 pounds have been caught in nets, so there just may be another record out there. Rumor has it that you should try soaking two pieces of corn for the really big ones…
Josh "100lbs club" Jordan says
Stocked or not you know that cat gave up the fight of a lifetime… I wonder what kind of gear was used?? Double speed Penn 50 maybe??
Just got a flashback of that video you had running on the site about farm raised catfish….. YIKES!!!
Fishclaws says
Do they release these or feed the whole village?
JD says
I actually looked into it…fish came from a stocked pond at a fishing resort, which kinda taints the record a bit in my book. Fish was released…
GrimKeeper says
Totally taints the record. Guy would probably like catching 10 inch mutant trout out of a mud puddle with powerbait too. And be hootin’ and hollerin’ with every hookset.
omar says
actually those stocked thai lakes are hard to fish due to fishing pressure thats a monster I doubt one can catch one of these in the wild let alone a monster due to overfishing.
omar says
actually those stocked thai lakes are hard to fish due to fishing pressure thats a monster I doubt one can catch one of these in the wild let alone a monster due to overfishing.
Justin W. says
A monster falls to a nibblet. Wow!
chad says
He must have been ripping that kernel really hard!