Have you seen this man??
This one’s dedicated to trusty sidekick Reilly, who I once threw under the bus in a Western Outdoors Magazine article about poaching on the Skagit River. While it wasn’t my fault, the editors threw a pic of Reilly holding a king (which was supposed to be in another article) next to poacher bit, making him look very guilty.
Well, the Los Angeles Times did it to me. Years back, I took one of their photographers out to go steelhead fishing on the American River…and I guess when they needed a file photo to go with this poaching article, they pulled my pic outta the vault. So, here I am, the transient poacher of SLO Creek!
Ryan Sabalow says
Don’t drop the soap, dude.
You’d figure the LA Times would know better than breaking the No. 1 rule of newspaper photography. Never, ever place a photo under a headline or with a story in which an innocent photo subject is made to look like he or she’s the person accused of a crime.
Jody says
is steelhead on the menu,!!!
Bentley says
Well put Ray.. but JD’s never been caught!
We’ve all been nailed by file photos even you Bro! LOL
The Homelss do create a problem with wildlife management.
There was an old burned out druggie treansient type of guy that passed away last year, up here on the Feather that actually claimed that there was a federal Law that made provisions to forage to sustain onself if no other means were available. The dude had charges for snagging salmon dropped after he sighted this code at his arraingment .
When I incounter the homeless, I always tell those folks to go to the rescue mission, to which many of them reply “I cant stay there”, because they cant conformto the no drugs or alcohol policies there.
The DFG wardens are citing them for camping littering, fishing without a license and some of those caught have warrants or they cant pay the fine , do the jail time (Hmm… food, warm bed and shelter) and then are released to repeat the cycle.
With todays jobless rates and the increasing number of homeless people, the number of poaching incidents is going up and the best we can do is be vigilant and report any violators and hope for the best for steelhead! Nice release JD!
The Transient Poacher says
I love me that thunderbird!
Ray Fairfax says
I’ve removed a few lengths of 30-40 lb baited hooks tied to bankside trees along the San Lorenzo over the years. The transient, Thunderbird drinkin’ crowd doesn’t seem too much about following the rules.
When does your 10 day sentence start?