Mmmm...cork...it's what's for dinner! (IGFA Photo)
Bo Nelson of Oro Valley, AZ was working an egg pattern on British Columbia’s Flathead River with guide Kim Sedrovic, when this tank of a bull trout came calling. The fish took 10 minutes to land and, upon being weighed, pulled the needle down to 14 pounds, which just may qualify it for a 12-pound tippet class world record.
Nelson’s catch bested the current 12-pound tippet record — a 12-pound bull that came from Montana’s Kootenai River back in 2003 — and is now being reviewed by the International Game Fish Association for consideration as a world record.
smoking smoker says
i think ive seen jay jones catch em bigger. the humble fisherman is the shit!
Jakebulltrout says
Yes he is the shit….
Fishclaws says
Great catch .Merry Christmas.
Fishclaws says
Great catch
Tim says
What a beautiful fish. Great catch.