Don't get your hands too close!
The vampire steelhead…known to locals as “pez diablo” exist in a very small handful of streams in southern Chile. They are rare, hard fighting, evil beasts that few have ever encountered. To read all about these amazing fish, check out my article in the current issue (April 2011) of Salmon Trout Steelheader Magazine
Shawn says
I remember an earlier STS April Fools. I was new to STS, and some article about 50# steelhead in Russia. I remember reading 1/2 way thru and just forget this, where is the phone # or website of the outfitter, I am going!!!!.
JD says
Ha! Yep…that’s why you have to read all the way to the end! I got a lot of people with that one! :)
Daniel G says
Hi JD,
I would really like to read this story,
is it available online anywhere?
Also, I have not ever caught a Steelhead, and I am getting OLD!
I moved up here to Sacramento about 10 years ago and cant really afford a fishing license. I live only 2 Miles from the American River and would appreciate a tip on where I should cast my line on the next free fishing day (next month).
(The license costs $65 w/Steelhead permit and extra pole, THATS unholy)
My actual suburb is North Highlands, any hot spots nearby?
Thank you!
JD says
Dan,I looked online and can’t find the article. Maybe I’ll post in on the site soon. The American has steelhead but not much to speak of this time of year. You’re better off waiting until the winter…
Daniel G says
Thanks JD,
I subscribed to your newsletter, so if you post that article, I hope to get it.
JD says
Cool. I’ll try to get it up at some point.
Collin Devine says
OMG what a riot! lol read this article in STS today! Would love to get the article online if possible so i could email it to my pops whose fishin down in Argentina right now! the spoiled SOB.
Missouri River Native
JD says
Pops went fishing down there and didn’t take ya? Why he hell would you want to send anything to him…except for maybe a big ol’ bag of flaming doggie doo? Seriously, though, I cannot post the whole article online right now as it is in the current issue of STS. It may show up on their online version, soon….
Kreb says
Good one JD, have to make it a little more believable next year.
Josh "100lbs club" Jordan says
Thats a good photo shop JD
April Fools
JD says
You should see the article! :)
Mark says
I just caught one this morning at the confluance.
Troutzilla says
I caught my first Vampire Steelhead in th LA River is Southern California exactly 2 years from today.
Thanks for bringing back the memories
James Hinton says
I grew up in the San Fernando valley in Southern California as a kid we would use live hamsters for bait
Russ Lo Bue says
April Fools to you too JD. These fish actually are more common in The Eel River near
Troy says
not this time JD….