Who's up for some pink meat fish tacos?
Every once in a while, boats off San Diego will catch a salmon or two. Even less frequently, there’s one caught south of the border. Then, you’ve got Thomas D. Bryant, the great Mexican salmon slayer. He caught this hatchery coho while fishing off a jetty 72 KM south of the U.S. Border. And get this…it’s his second one!
This fish was a loooong way from home, too — especially when you consider that California uses maxillary clips — not adipose clips — on coho. Seeing that this chromer is missing his adipose fin, it was at least from an Oregon hatchery…and, who knows…maybe even further north than that! Read the entire story on BLOODY DECKS
Michael H. says
The only silver salmon down that far down south and you kill it?
It’s people like you that make fishermen look bad. It’s just one salmon you fool. You should have let it go to spawn and produce MORE salmon. Nice going genius. Hope that two dinner’s worth of meat was worth it.
glenn says
Looks like sockeye. Forked tail, bluish back, and no distinct spots
Nunyebizness says
To Michael H.: Silly boy, how is one fish going to spawn and produce more?
sky says
salmon in mexico and not the feather!
FilthyPhil says
Looks like a fish I took out of the freezer yesterday.
Ray Fairfax says
Whoa! The time stamp on that Bloody Decks post is from Tuesday 7/26. The clearest recent shot on Temp Break from that area 7/23/11 at 2:32pm shows a little bubble of 60 degree water up against shore below Ensenada. Meanwhile, there’s albacore and warm water off Oregon. Bizarre.
The salmon have shown here in Monterey Bay in big numbers just in the last three weeks.
IIRC The volunteer run Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project hatchery on Big Creek uses (the last time I checked) adipose clips. Unless something has changed recently, that is. Mike Baxter or Larry Wolf would probably know for sure.
johnb says
That there’s Global Warmin for ya sure as heck!
Justin W. says
It’s kinda like finding a grey whale in the Klamath River. :)
Buddy says