Welcome to the 20-pound club! Guide Tony Sepulveda (L) and John Sellers
It’s time to welcome the 20-Pound Steelhead Club’s newest member, John Sellers of Fortuna, CA, who fished on Tuesday with guide Tony Sepulveda of Greenwater Guide Service on a very low and clear Chetco River in Orgeon for this bruiser buck.
Let’s let Tony tell the rest of the story…
“John hooked the fish drifting roe and a Fish Pill along a shallow break,” he says. “When he swung on the bite, it erupted in 18″ of water and went burning off the flat with it’s back out of the water like a spooked bonefish!”
Congratulations are in order for John…fish like that don’t come every day. And to that end, he thoughtfully opted to release it, despite the ridiculous regulation in Oregon that allows for the retention of wild steelhead.
“John’s a relative newcomer to steelhead fishing, catching his first on the Eel with me last winter,” says Tony. “With his big fish resting in the net, we talked about the importance of keeping those genetics in the gene pool. John was immediately on board. We took a few pictures and sent him on his way. We ended the day by 1:00 pm with 6 landed out of 10 hooked, a 20 pounder and a double hookup. Not a bad day!”
A timber faller says
Californians and their snooty beliefs. I eat fish sorry. If you don’t think massive steel gets eaten by larger predators, you’re Californian..
Szafka says
Beautiful wild fish! Thank you for keeping the hope alive by catching and releasing.
Tommy G. says
Great hunt in the (spirit world) john congrats to hit the 20lb club ,that is awesome that u let the genetics of this fish run it s course good for you,up here in Washington State ,the indians would of caught that in there nets and sold it too the highest bidder that came along. (sad) … you already have one checked off your bucket list,on too the next.
Tommy G.
Ray Fairfax says
Awesome, John! I was on the bank watching, and participating in, the crazy bite that morning. Seals were in the hole at first light before the boats arrived. I think they pushed the fish into shallow water. The water was so shallow that a 1/2 oz splooshball was needed, and the ball would come flying out of the water on a missed set. Left with a hatchery hen about noon, so I missed seeing the 20 pounder hooked. Too bad that spot’s under 20 feet of water today!
Ray Fairfax
jerry k says
a real heart pounder! beautiful.
fishbird says
Awesome Fish Tony!!
Jackson says
Incredible fish!
Mark says
wow i know it took me 40-45mins to get in my monster flathead,
David Johnson says
Awesome fish and well done on the release too!!!
MarcosM says
John, you definitely have some GOOD steelhead karma coming. Well done!
ron wagle says
One in a million cast’s and to land a twenty pounder is really speical. AWESOME
job John
Buddy says
wow!!!!! awesome fish!!!!!! i still have not hit a steelhead that is 20 lbs. i have got a couple in the 17 to 18 lb range. hope i can join the club one day.
tom says
Congfrats, John…Great fish, and kudos for the release.