Something good’s up with the Columbia River. I’m not sure if it has to do with those spring pulse flows to flush out smolts that they’ve been doing recently…good ocean conditions…or a combination thereof, but the river’s been stuffed with fish the past couple years. If you’ll recall, the summer run steelhead numbers were through the roof in 2009 and the coho run was also massive. Now you can add sockeye to the list.
So far this year, over 350,000 sockeye salmon have made it over Bonneville Dam, three times the amount predicted by biologists and a modern-day record. And the run’s not over yet. Read more HERE
Now I have heard it all: Smoked Salmon Flavored Vodka!

Mark Thiessen / AP
Read all about this new handcrafted and very pink vodka at The Consumerist
Lower Deschutes River will stay open for fall kings

Sherars Falls...the upper limit of Deschutes king fishing.
The river is currently open for spring chinook fishing. The spring chinook fishing ends July 31, and the fall chinook season will open Aug. 1 under the newly-adopted rule. The river remains open for Chinook from the mouth at the I-84 bridge upstream to Sherars Falls. The daily catch limit for fall Chinook will be any two adults and any five jacks. (Jack salmon are Chinook 15-24 inches long.)
Click here to read more…
Light Tackle Shark Fishing!
CDFG releases 16.5 million Chinook salmon smolts

Live long and prosper, little buddies!!
Hope this helps…the California Department of Fish and Game just completed a release of 16.5 million Sacramento River fall-run Chinook salmon smolts on June 15.
The majority of the fish were placed into acclimation pens in San Pablo Bay prior to release, while others were released in rivers that flow to the bay. Smolts that survive to adulthood will return in two to four years to spawn in Central Valley rivers, boosting the recovery of the species in California waters.
“We hope this year’s above-average water flow and the use of a variety of release sites will improve the overall survival of the smolts and increase the return of adult salmon to their home rivers,” said Neil Manji, DFG Fisheries Branch Chief. Click here to read more…
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