Merc's are tough, but they're not bulletproof!
Colton Harris-Moore, AKA “The Barefoot Bandit,” who bizarrely became somewhat of a folk hero after going on a 2-year crime spree that included breaking into dozens of homes and committing burglaries in Washington, Idaho and British Columbia and the alleged stealing of at least five planes, despite a lack of formal flight training, was finally apprehended in Harbour Island, Bahamas on July 11, after police shot out the engine of a boat he stole.
Now, of course, the 19-year-old Bandit’s getaway boat is up for sale on eBay. For those of you with $110,000 laying around, the vessel is a 2002 model 32-foot Intrepid center console sportfisher with twin 275HP Mercury Verado outboards…in great shape, aside from a few bullet holes. Don’t worry, though…the motors will be in working condition upon purchase but the bullet holes will remain. In addition to the shot gun blasts, the boat has some nice Uzi holes in it as well. For more pix and info, click HERE