Come with me beneath the surface and see how coho salmon, dolly varden and rainbow trout react to the Yakima Bait 3.0 MagLip!
Underwater Salmon Bite…or Not?
Here’s a a really interesting sequence of underwater photos I took of a small king attacking a glob of roe…and then passing on it. Sorry for the fuzziness of these shots, but this fish was moving so quickly I couldn’t get him into focus!

He’s a nice cluster of red eggs and a chartreuse Corkie drifting along…

Suddenly, a king comes out of nowhere…

At this point, a hookup looks like a strong possibility…or does he really see which way the hook is facing and attacks from the opposite side?

Check out that cloud of sweet milky goodness…how the heck could he resist? Maybe he’s just circling around for another pass…

Or not! What the heck happened here? And how often does it happen per day?? Inquiring minds want to know!
Underwater Photos: The Rejection
Sometimes everything can be right…the cast, the drift, the bait…and still the fish don’t get hooked. Here’s an interesting scene I shot on a tributary to the Togiak River in Alaska, where a nice Dolly Varden does a fly-by on roe cluster but doesn’t commit to the bait.

The Dolly Varden makes his move…

But something just isn’t right…the close proximity of the camera perhaps?

Even that milky goodness seeping out of the bait wasn’t enough for this guy! Why do you think he didn’t go all in?
Underwater Video: It sucks to be a baitfish!
Check out this underwater video shot by the gang at Profish-N-Sea Charters in Seward, Alaska to see why you don’t want to come back as a baitfish in your next life!