It may just be time to call in sick for a few days...
To make you even less productive at work today, consider this: While you’re sitting at your desk, guys on the Clearwater River in Idaho are banging away at B-Run steelhead that are running 3 pounds heavier than normal this year. In case you’ve not yet been introduced to the double-stripe B-Runs, they are among the largest steelies on the West Coast and when they’re around, you’ve always got a really good shot at breaking the 20-pound mark. Especially this fall, when guys are seeing lots and lots of fish in that upper teen range and beyond…Do I feel a “sick day” coming on?
For more, click over to our pals at North West Wild Country
Joe says
Thats Toby Wyatt
Brion says
Great website by the way !
Brion says
My parents house overlooks the Clearwater. They get big up there.
You can fly into Lewiston airport.
I have fished with Jeff from : wefishhere.com
Buddy says
First time i have seen you talk about my neck of the woods. i live in Lewiston ID, i have a 5 minute drive to the clearwater river and there are some toads in there this year but i havnt nailed anything above 16 lbs yet.
fishbird says
JD where in Ida does one go for these monsters ?
Jeff says
Anywhere from the mouth at Lewiston with the Snake River all the way to Kooskia, Idaho. This is Toby Wyatt or Reel Time Fishing in Clarkston, WA, he fishes both the Clearwater and SNake Rivers in Hells Canyon.
JD says
Yep, that one does look as big as a BC fish! Thanks for the congrats, but that’s not me…
derrickdowney says
That looks big enough to be from B.C. (LOL) , NICE < CONGRATS