Barbecue at Justin Barry’s house! While fishing Monterey Bay with Kevin Seeger last week, Barry hoked and landed this 79-pound, 4-ounce white sea bass near Pajaro, which should be the next California State Record for the species.
Barry’s catch was weighed on a certified scale and bested the current mark, a 78 pounder caught by David Sternberg in Monterey in 2002.The paperwork is already in to the Department of Fish and Game and Barry should be in the record books soon!
Kurtis Williams says
Funny how a rod can get passed back and forth between anglers and leads shoved in the belly beats a legit state record
JD says
Sounds like you have some inside information?
Josh "100lbs Club" Jorddan says
Man last week I was fishing the santa cruz peer and 2 days in a row a large fish picked up my halibut rig with a 6 inch mackrel and went in the other direction. The first day breaking my 20lbs test and breaking my 40lbs test the next. So Im getting dirty with my Gold Penn 50 on my 6ft roller guide deep sea pole and 100lbs test. The next fish to bite will not be having a good day. But really the strength of what distroyed my line both days was awesome. probably was the all state record which is hanging above ;o)
Jeremiah says
Wow…nobody in their right mind could vote for any other fish!