California Fish & Game Commission votes 4-0 against proposed striped bass regulations!
The California Fish and Game Commission did the right thing and rejected the proposed changes to striped bass regulations that would have reduced the minimum size to 12 inches and increased the bag limit to 6 fish (and as many as 20 in some areas).
To thunderous applause and a near standing-ovation from the throng of 200 plus anglers who packed the meeting, the Commissioners voted 4-0 not to pursue a the proposal. By the way, anglers all over the state need to pass along a hearty thank you to Fish & Game Commission President, Jim Kellogg, who really took a stand for the state’s outdoorsmen on this deal.
The regulations changes had come about not because DFG thought they were warranted, but instead because the Department was sued in 2008 by the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta. The Coalition is a group of San Joaquin Valley water districts, who asserted that striped bass are harming native species, including endangered salmon and Delta smelt.
Now, nobody denies that stripers eat fish like salmon smolt, but come on here people…the two species have coexisted since striped bass were introduced to California in the 1850’s. And during many of those years we had excellent salmon…and striped bass runs. This is a political play to divert attention from the fact that record water exports are putting the entire Delta ecosystem in great peril.
It’s pretty clear when you look at the overall trend in Delta species: all of them have been on a sharp decline, which points to the fact that it’s the health of the system…not the striped bass…that’s the culprit here.
In any case, this is good news though I’m sure we’re not out of the woods here yet. Expect more lawsuit to follow. A nice victory in the meantime however!
Scatch says
From a biodiversity standpoint, non native species are bad. I know folks love to fish for these big, bad fish but I believe they DO take a toll on the native species. If the striped bass ate 1,000 salmon in 1850, that may have been .001% of the salmon population. If they eat 1,000 salmon in 2050, that may be 10% of the salmon population. I agree the whole system is in peril, but we should knock out the problems one by one, starting with possibly the dams and diversions and then perhaps non-native species. Can anyone site a situation where a non-native fish has done GOOD for the endemic flora/fauna?
John says
On a related subject, I have been fishing San Luis resevoir lately and in this, the worst winter for rain in years, the powers that be have pumped the resevoir to withiin a few feet of the top. Who is deciding to pump like crazy to fill the lake during the extreme winter we are having? This seems to be against all logic for saving the delta.
Stephen Baer says
Thanks Jerry you care about Cals natural resources and the sportsmen. Keep up the good work.
george wight says
i am a member of the california striped bass assoc. west delta chapter.we chartered a 55 pass. bus to take us to the meeting. the C.S.B.A. worked long and hard on this issue.myself collecting over 700 petition signatures at local bait and tackle stores.we won this battle but the war is far from over! the meeting was long with the commision not takeing the 1 1/2 lunch break.after listening to us and all the “suits” i was suprised when they decided to vote on it there. a big thanks goes to commission president Jim Kellogg that lives in discovery bay.he was at one of the oakley tackle stores advising us what it would take to sway his fellow commissioners votes.i dont know if we would of won without him on our side. when it came down to the voteing who could hear a pin drop it was so quiet in the audience.but it was a joyess ride home on the bus.thank you to all the people from the many different organizations who spoke and showed up.thats what can happen when we all fight together.i am going to personally write Jim Kellog AND the commission for backing us.please do the same. this was a major vicktory for our side for once! George Wight
jerry k says
please note that keepamericafishing had a drive to get a negative on these regs. with a big responce.