She's gonna get BIG!!
Nnorthern California’s gonna get dumped on this week, effectively washing out the great steelheading that was going on on rivers like the Eel. Check out where the guidance plots say she’s going to go — up over 100,000 cfs — later in the week!
Obviously, it’s going to be awhile before anybody gets back out on the creek!
jerry k says
good time for rafting? NOT!!! give it 10 days, the gravel bars will be there for your picking.
Jeremiah says
Thank God! These southern rivers need some exceptional srping storms to saturate the ground so all the baby steelies can make it through the summer. It would be sad to see an above average spawning year (lots of returning fish) nullified by low, warm summer flows. The season might be effectively over on the Eel but there will be some banner fishing to be had on other rivers after these storms for the last 2 weeks of the season. I know I’m not giving up yet!