Well, it looks like we’re all going to be doing a lot of holiday shopping online this year thanks to the pandemic and all, so I thought I’d help make things a bit easier and throw some suggestions your way. Happy Shopping!
Under $10
Cool Fish Stickers
From Michael Zontos Art are these awesome little fishing-related gifts. MZ is a truly gifted fish artest/biologost from Eureka CA. $5 or any 5 for $18. Order via email: [email protected]

Light Tackle Surf Perch (Kindle)
My wife can spend all day on the beach…so can I… as long as I have a rod in my hand! If you know someone like me, do yourself a favor and give them my slick little guide on how to catch surf perch. $2.99 BUY HERE

Rod Glove Spinning Rod Cover
These are brilliant! Like socks your fishing rods, Rod Gloves are so nice for keeping things from getting all tangled up when transporting rods in the car and in the boat. I swear I must have like 75 of these things! (The also come in casting models too). $6.99 ORDER HERE

Plano Guide Series Two Tier Tackle Box
In the good old days as kids we used to carry a couple Pautzke’s salmon eggs and some splitshot in our bottom lips and head out for a day of trout fishing. But for under ten bucks the angler you’re buying for can be much more civilized — and actually keep their gear in a proper box! $9.99 BUY HERE

Bass Patrol Rubber Football Jigs
Wintertime bass love jigs slow crawled along the bottom and these babies are really nice quality and are my go-to models. Plus how can you go wrong with anything that has bass and football in the name? $2.49 – $3.09 BUY HERE

Under $20
HookUp Bait Tube Jigs
Tube jigs will literally catch just about anything that swims: The smaller sizes will get you bass, trout, panfish and more and the larger ones can be used for everything from stripers to lingcod to tarpon and everything in between. $10.99-$19.99 BUY HERE

Pitbull Tackle Braided Line Cutters
In the old days, we used to cut monofilament line with our teeth… but you’d have to have a set of choppers like a mako shark to get through braided line. That’s where these line cutters come in handy — your favorite angler will absolutely love these ( I have 4 pairs!)…and so will their bicuspids! $12.99 BUY HERE

The River Why
One of the great fishing books of all time! $16.99 (paperback) BUY HERE

Beckman Live Well Net
This is a fun gift for the live bait angler…or person who routinely comes home with tiny fish on your list. I know, a live well net doesn’t seem all that exciting but Beckman builds the best nets out there and this cute little guy will be a big hit. Every time I see one at the store I have to play with it! $15.25 BUY HERE

G-Ratt Sneaky Pete Glide Bait
When big bass and stripers are on the menu, the erratic glide action of Sneaky Pete and his big brother, Pistol Pete are almost like having your own private fish whisperers! $19.99 BUY HERE

The Ultimate Guide to Steelhead Bank Fishing (for Kindle)
Give the gift of steelhead! Another one by yours truly here — close to 300 pages of hardcore-how to info in this e-Book to help your angler catch more steelhead..and be less grumpy when they come home from the river! $11.99 BUY HERE

Under $50
Simms Big Catch Hat
Every angler needs a lucky fishing hat! So, if the rodsmith on your holiday shopping list has been striking out lately, maybe it’s time for a change. $24.95 BUY HERE

Karecell Rechargeable Hand Warmer
Cold winter fishing days can be made a little bit nicer with warmer hands. Your favorite angler can drop these in a pocket and have toasty digits all day! $22.99 BUY HERE

Lew’s Speed Boat Bag
It’s always nice to have a water resistant bag on winter fishing trips, where you can carry all your stuff — rain jacket, lunch, extra tackle, inflatable fish for pix in case you get skunked, etc. $34.99 BUY HERE

Rapala High Contrast 50-lb. Digital Scale
Anglers are known to stretch the truth a bit when it comes to the size of the fish they caught. Well, you can keep ’em honest and get some accurate weights for your fave fisher if you stuff their stocking with a. $39.99 BUY HERE

P-Line 6.5″ Aluminum Fishing Pliers
All anglers need a nice set of pilers…and since these are aluminum, they won’t end up like most of mine…coated in rust and totally frozen shut. $24.99 BUY HERE

Catch More Steelhead Online Course
If you’ve got a steelhead angler on your list who is struggling to catch fish, my gigantic online course will help them immensely. Packed with over 6 hours of on the water video instruction, lectures, how-to diagrams and more…it’s got everything a beginner needs to start catching fish consistently. $49 when you use coupon code XMAS

Under $100
Simms Headwaters Half Finger Fishing Gloves
They won’t keep that fishy smell off your holiday angler’s hands but they certainly will keep them warm! Plus, with the finger tips cut off, anglers can still tie knots, etc. $51.71 BUY HERE

Fishing Rod 3-Panel Art Print
Well, when it’s gray, cold and dreary at home, a little something like these print can brighten the day and send your angler’s thoughts to warmer climes…you can almost smell the salt air (and diesel) can’t ya? $56.99 BUY HERE

BnR Bobber Dogging Kit
Got a steelhead junkie you’re buying for? You can’t go wrong with some BnR Beads! The bobber doggin pack (if you’re not an angler don’t even ask :) comes with everything you need to get started — beads, weights, stops, swivels and bobbers. $56.37 BUY HERE

Scotty Lake Troller Clamp-On Downrigger
This portable little unit is more than just cute…its a fully functional fish catching machine and perfect for the angler who has a small boat. $73.11 BUY HERE

Onyx AM-24 Standard Inflatable Life Jacket
Inflatable lifejackets are a must-have for boaters and waders alike. When worn, they are comfortable and you hardly know you have it on. Go into the drink, however, they automatically inflate and can literally be real life savers. $114.99 BUY HERE

Douglas Sky G 5-Weight fly rod
If you really want to spoil the trout fly fishing aficionado on your list, they’ll love this amazing and award-winning wand of fluff chucking nirvana. Nine feet long and as light as a feather, this thing is a joy to fish! $795 BUY HERE

Bote Inflatable Kayak / Paddleboard
How cool is this personal 11-foot fishing machine?? Drop-stitch technology makes this inflatable about as rigid as a hard boat…but this one’s packable enough you can throw it on a plane or the trunk of a car! $1,399 ORDER HERE