Buzz's Workshop!
Hre’s a little glimpse into a world not many of us ever get a chance to see…This is Buzz Ramsey’s work bench where he tunes, tweaks, trashes and tinkers on lures for Yakima Bait.
While developing the new Hawg Nose Flatfish, he spent countless hours here, trying to perfect the lure. “This photo includes many of the handmade versions of the Hawg Nose FlatFish 5.5 I made up during the development of this product,” says Ramsey. “As you can tell, it took more than a little R&D to make it meet our criteria of swimming in water speeds up to 5MPH; to develop a random skip-beat (hunting) action at 2-to-2-1/2 MPH and maintain that strike producing action all the way to 5MPH.”