Fishing in Rivers Inlet, BC, angler Gayle Gordon landed a Chinook that may have smashed the World Record…
Top 10 Mind-Blowing King Salmon
If these massive kings don’t make you weak in the knees, you may want to take up another sport! :)
JD’s Books: Perfect Reading Material for the Quarantine!

Can’t fish? Well, you might as well read about it! Since you are probably stuck at home these days, now’s a great time to catch up on your fishing techniques.
Here’s my catalog of how-to titles, available through Amazon.
The Ultimate Guide to Steelhead Bank Fishing: (263 pages, $11.99 Digital Copy)
Jam packed with all the how-to info you need become a proficient bank angler: reading the water, curing bait rigging diagrams and tons of other stuff — it’s all in here

Light Tackle Surf Perch: (52 pages, $2.99 Digital Copy)
Thanks to detailed diagrams, photos and descriptive text, you’ll learn how to identify likely looking perch hang outs like troughs, holes, rips and more. Richey also shares secrets he’s learned from commercial perch anglers and other top beach fishermen and passes them on to you so you can be successful.

Plug Fishing For River Fishing: (69 pages, $2.99 Digital Copy)
In this, the most comprehensive guide of its kind ever assembled, JD covers everything you need to know to consistently catch river salmon on wobbling plugs like FlatFish and Kwikfish.
Packed with full color photographs and diagrams, the book covers everything from the basics to sophisticated tricks used by pro guides.

Light Tackle Delta Striper Secrets: (58 pages, $2.99 Digital Copy)
In this book, JD shares the pro tips you need to catch striped bass in the Delta. Packed with photos and insightful diagrams, Richey shows you how to locate stripers, what to look for in a spot, how to work the tide to you advantage… and how to get bit using light tackle techniques like topwater, swimbaits and jigging.

Side Drifting for Steelhead: (Paperback, $14.53 Digital Copy)
In this book, JD shares everything you need to know to become a successful side-drifter. Best describe ed as a family of techniques, side-drifting includes three methods–freedrifting, side gliding, boondogging. Each method is explained in depth and includes the basic gear you’ll need.

Pro Tips: Plugging for River Salmon

Fall is here and that means it’s time for one of my all-time favorite activities: Plugging for king salmon!
If your plug game needs a little tuneup, check out my eBook Plug Fishing for River Salmon which contains everything you need to know to become a proficient wiggler angler.
It’s a quick read full of diagrams, photos and how-to goodies. And at $ 2.99, it costs less than a single lure!

Here’s a quick glance at what’s inside:

Just click the link above and it will take you to Amazon or google my name and the title of the book and you’ll find it.

Top 5 Smallest King Salmon Ever Caught
Okay, you’ve seen my list of the 10 of the Biggest King Salmon ever taken so I figured it was time to have some fun and give the little guys a shot at being in the spotlight.
So, here’s my list of the Top 5 Smallest King Salmon Ever Caught. To qualify, the kings had to be of the sea-run variety. Landlocked salmon were ineligible.
Have you ever…er…topped any of these?
#1 He May be small but at least he’s dark!
I had a client catch this ocean-run king in Alaska while we were fishing for trout. I’ve see a lot of small jacks in my days but this one got high marks for being extremely brown too!
#2 Eyes bigger than his stomach
Well, you gotta admire this Klamath River micro chromer’s desire! For scale purposes, that’s a 4.5-inch long plug he latched onto. Could be that he thought it was his mama…
#3 Not much longer than a tube of sunscreen
You know they are small when they can be measured with facial product containers! We caught this brown guppy on California’s Trinity River.
#4 Fly-caught mini record
If they kept records for such things, Tristian Lund may have a plaque on his wall for holding the record for the smallest fly-caught king of all time. A natural born angler, the kid even has the classic fly rodder’s “rod in mouth because my fancy gear should never touch anything but skin or velvet” pose down pat!
#5 Crazy weight to length ratio
The kings on Alaska’s Nushagak River tend to be very heavy for their size, as evidenced by this 15-inch, 31 pounder!
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