>The Klamath River’s chinook salmon run is forecasted to be massive this year and the fishing should be epic! The bite is already going strong and will only get better over the next few weeks!
The above photo was sent to me by guide John Klar and the lower from Mike Stratman, who are obviously having some fun on the Big K!
The Aftermath…
I ran across this pic of my ol’ trusty 20-foot Willie drifter last night and had to post it.
I took this shot as we were pulling off the Trinity River after chasing salmon and Steelies. It was a boy’s fun trip with me, K-Dog, Harry Ibach and Mad River Jimmy Davis and the boat was absolutely destroyed with rods all over the place, lures, roe slime and junk food wrappers.
Some folks might be mortified to see their boat in this condition, but I think this is exactly how a vessel should look after a bunch of friends hit the water together. It’s pretty obvious to me that a good time was had by all here…
Underwater Video: Salmon Bites…and misses!
If you’re like me, you probably have spent a considerable amount of time wondering what goes on under the surface. What’s it look like down there? What are the fish doing? What do my lures look like? Well, I’ll be doing a seminar at the Sacramento International Sportsmen’s Expo today Friday, Jan. 20 (at 3 PM) and again on Saturday Jan. 21 (6 PM) in the California Sportsmen’s Theatre… the topic: Underwater video.
I’ll be showing some interesting footage of all the bites you miss but never know you had, an underwater view of the controversial Alabama Rig in action, what some of our favorite salmon lure look like underwater, what it looks like 100 feet down on the bottom of Lake Tahoe…and more. Here’s a sneak peek:
So you wanna be a fishing guide, huh?
Before you quite your day job and get a guide’s license, here’s a little behind the scenes look at the life & times of a fishing guide…
2:30 a.m.
A series of horrific screeches pierce the silent evening. My heart rate’s suddenly gone from 0 to 100 mph in just under a nanosecond and I jolt upright, trying to figure out where the terrible sounds are coming from.
It takes me a bewildered moment or two before I realize that it’s my alarm clock. It’s hard to believe that this little white plastic contraption — no bigger than a Kleenex box — can produce such an atrocious noise. I pound on the snooze bar with a closed fist, hoping to smash it into oblivion and then I fall back to sleep.Click here to read more…
OR’s Chetco River closure extended to Nov. 30
To protect Chinook salmon in the low flows of Oregon’s Chetco River, the Oregon Depratment of Fish & Wildlife has extended a fishing ban for most of the river until Nov. 30.
Here’s what the ODFW has to say…
Click here to read more…