Nto your average catfish! This massive, 218-pound, 7-foot, 8-inch wels catfish (hooked in the River Po in Italy) gave three German anglers all the fight they could handle as it dragged them downstream a mile, where they landed it and hour later!
Of the epic battle, guide Stefan Seuss said this:
“It was the hardest fight from a catfish I have ever witnessed…” Duh!
Read the whole story here: The Sun
Beast from the Depths! A new pending world record Wels Catfish!

Open up and say ahhhhh! (IGFA photo)
Holy creature from the Black Lagoon, Batman! While this titanic beast may look like something that may slither up out of a storm sewer and start devouring unsuspecting city dwellers in some John Carpenter flick, it’s actually a pending International Game Fish Association All-Tackle Word Record wels catfish!
While fishing with a live bream on the River Po in Mantova, Italy with IGFA Captain Alberto Bartoli, angler Roberto Godi hooked into this enormous, 250.3-pound cat…which fought like a wounded wildebeest for 45 minutes before being subdued…weighed…and released.
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